Lugano al verde
Project to enhance green spaces in the center, neighborhoods, and suburban areas of Lugano.
Lugano al verde (Green Lugano) is a multi-year project that aims to enhance nature in the city center, neighborhoods, and suburbs. A plan to reclaim the city, following the idea that with few resources, much can be done. How? By providing citizens, associations, and institutions with common ground on which to collaborate to add value to the territory.
Lugano al verde is an investment for the future that selects, supports, and accompanies projects related to greenery on the naturalistic, landscape, and architectural levels.
Selection criteria
In order for projects, whether from the City or private individuals, to become part of Lugano al verde, they must:
- enhance the territory understood both as nature in the outskirts and as green spaces in the center
- represent an investment for the future of Lugano, leaving a mark and developing over the years
- enhance existing or already planned projects and resources, utilizing the ordinary budget and incorporating quality elements that make them extraordinary
Themes, initiatives, and events can be consulted on the website www.luganoalverde.ch.
Each individual project of Lugano al verde is promptly communicated so that citizens can know the various initiatives and follow their evolution.
The projects:
- Giardino delle zucche (Pumpkin Garden): cultivation of about forty varieties of pumpkins at Parco Tassino
- Giardino degli odori (Scent Garden): aromatic, fragrant plants and curiosities in the garden of Villa Saroli
- L'acqua del rubinetto è buona (Tap Water is Good): campaign launched by Città di Lugano, AIL-Aziende Industriali di Lugano SA, SINC-Sustainability Incubator (at USI-Università della Svizzera italiana), the Department of Health and Social Affairs of the Canton of Ticino, and AFT-Associazione fontanieri ticinesi to rediscover the goodness of tap water
- The vegetable garden in the city center (The vegetable garden in the city center): in 2015, the flowerbed of Piazza Manzoni hosted a model vegetable garden designed by the Centro professionale del verde di Mezzana
- La riscoperta delle erbacce (The rediscovery of the unwanted plants): on the night between May 21 and 22, 2015, mysterious writings appeared painted on the ground in the city: they were the names of what are commonly called weeds
- Stand at Floralugano: the City's stand at Floralugano 2015 was the first project of Lugano al verde, realized with simple materials and elements reused in other contexts
- Il pomodoro alla conquista della città (The Tomato Conquers the City): the project promoting biodiversity in the urban environment includes the distribution of seeds of rare varieties of a very common vegetable—the tomato. The event is part of the actions proposed by the Alleanza Territorio e Biodiversità
- Aiuole con piante perenni (Flowerbeds with Perennial Plants): in spring 2015, some seasonal flowerbeds in the center of Lugano became flowerbeds with perennial plants
- Sistemazione del giardino Belvedere davanti al LAC (Arrangement of the Belvedere Garden in front of the LAC): thanks to access to water, the garden allows citizens to reconnect with the lake
- Denominazione degli alberi (Naming of Trees): installation of plaques to name the most precious trees in the city's parks
- Labirinto del mais (Corn Maze): a corn maze created in 2015 in Parco Ciani by Jardin Suisse
- Piccola flora del Sentiero di Gandria (Small Flora of The Gandria Trail): The City of Lugano, in collaboration with Edizioni Casagrande, published in the summer of 2024 the Small Flora of The Gandria Trail, the first botanical guide entirely dedicated to one of the most interesting naturalistic areas of Ticino, but also of Switzerland and the Insubric region.
Lugano al verde is a network of projects and people collaborating by leveraging the capabilities of those already operating in the area:
- Aziende industriali di Lugano SA: sponsor and partner for the deepening of all water-related projects
- Cantonal Museum of Natural History: ensures the scientific basis of projects requiring naturalistic expertise
- Alleanza Territorio e Biodiversità with Abitat, ProFrutteti, ProSpecieRara, and WWF
- Associazione Amici del torchio di Sonvico with Capriasca Ambiente, Viva Gandria, and Uniti per Brè
- i2a: international institute of architecture
- Festival della sostenibilità
- Centro professionale del verde di Mezzana
- JardinSuisse
The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.
The original version is the page in Italian.