Lugano is a privileged city, with a vast green heritage: a treasure, a common good to be safeguarded, partially overlooking Lake Ceresio but extending into all districts. Parks, gardens, flower beds, meadows, forests, and tree-lined avenues enhance the city for residents, for those passing through for a few hours, and for those choosing it as a vacation destination: a total of 18.8 km² of urban greenery and 48.5 km² of forests.

The cultural heritage traces our history; the natural landscape does too, because, like culture, it helps to build and define a place's identity. Cultivating greenery means cultivating the city's identity, providing Lugano with flower beds, paths, and parks that form a large urban garden.

It’s about creating more sustainable living environments for the benefit of those who live in and pass through Lugano. A prudent use of resources, attention to territorial planning, and safeguarding biodiversity (local fauna and flora) are themes strongly linked to quality of life and connected to benefits for mitigating climate change and pollution.

As part of the Linee di sviluppo 2018-2028 (2018-2028 Development Guidelines), Lugano, with its focus on the environment and urban space management, has set out to increase accessible green and recreational spaces for its citizens and to enhance their usability throughout the year. The goal is to create at least 25,000 m² of additional new parks. Green spaces in the city and its neighborhoods should be experienced as a continuous discovery, as an itinerary to be explored throughout the year.

The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.

The original version is the page in Italian.