Responsible: Gabriele Botti

The Ufficio quartieri (District Office) is included in the staff services of the Department and is responsible for relations with the Commissioni di quartiere and the population.

The City has 21 Commissioni di quartiere (District Commissions), which act as antennas on the territory to collect expectations, requests and proposals from the citizenry. The Commissions are coordinated by the Ufficio quartieri, which is the liaison with the City Council, together with the city administration departments.

At the same time, the Ufficio quartieri informs and involves the Commissions, respectively the population, regarding the projects that the City promotes in the different districts.

Tasks and activities

  • transmits the reports to the various relevant departments and ensures the necessary coordination between the departments, when the requests presuppose the intervention of more than one sector of the Administration
  • mediates with the services and the City Council the requests of the citizenship in order to favor, where possible, sustainable and effective solutions in the interest of the parties
  • supports the activity of the commissions
  • organizes thematic meetings of the City Council with the Commissions, respectively with the population
  • promotes and coordinates shared initiatives to improve the quality of life in the districts
  • more generally, implements the City Council's district policy

The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.

The original version is the page in Italian.


Città di Lugano
Amministrazione generale

Ufficio quartieri
Via Ceresio 25
6963 Pregassona
t. +41 58 866 65 16
[email protected]