Municipal plan of pedestrian paths
In March 2023, Lugano City Council adopted the Piano comunale dei percorsi pedonali - PCPP (Municipal plan of pedestrian paths) as the basic tool for planning and designing pedestrian infrastructure. The Plan sets goals and criteria for the development of the city's pedestrian network, which are necessary to ensure safe and pleasant walking.
The PCPP, developed from 2021, was finalized earlier this year and is the basic tool for coherent development of the city's slow mobility network, meeting the needs of different users. First, the document presents a comprehensive and digitized mapping of the existing pedestrian infrastructure. More than 540 km of paths and 264 km of trails were analyzed and classified. The analysis identified the different types of areas served, as well as the desired infrastructure in terms of geometry, accessibility, value, planting, lighting, furniture, etc.
A specialized approach to listening to citizens
In addition to City engineers, planners, and a representative of Pedestrian Mobility Switzerland in the core group, a team of experts and stakeholders was involved in the project: from law enforcement to urban planners and landscape architects, from associations for the disabled and senior citizens to the tourist board and public transportation companies. Last but not least, through the Neighborhood Commissions, the citizenry was involved to report critical issues, requests or wishes related to the pedestrian network. More than 200 reports were thus collected.
The mapping of the entire pedestrian infrastructure in its current configuration and the measures needed to make it complete, accessible and attractive - both planning and design - were then defined by analyzing the data and input received. In general, in addition to timely measures to solve critical issues, design criteria were defined for the different areas that characterize Lugano (lakefront, hillside, residential areas, cores, etc.). These criteria will serve as the basis for future projects related to the city's mobility network. The PCPP also serves as a basic tool for the promotion of pedestrian routes and the communication of useful information to the walking user.
The directions of the PCPP are consistent with the Piano comunale dei percorsi ciclabili - PCPC (Municipal Bicycle Route Plan) and Piani di mobilità scolastica - PMS (School Mobility Plans, thus completing the City's slow mobility design guidelines and criteria.
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