The steady increase in the number of senior citizens and, in parallel, the slipping of the age threshold for entry into senior housing result in a need for intermediate services and benefits to support maintenance at home. To enable the elderly to live as long as possible in their own homes, supportive services and benefits are offered, including meals brought to the home, help with transfers and transportation, activities in day care centers, specialized counseling, and support services for the person concerned and his or her family.

Elderly or disabled persons with an OASI or DI pension who need the help of a third party (family members or not) in order to remain at home and thus avoid being placed in an old people's home or in an institution are eligible for the cantonal home help grant. Applications must be submitted to the Ufficio cantonale degli anziani e delle cure a domicilio (cantonal office for the elderly and home care).

Request submission

To obtain the home maintenance allowance, you must submit a written request to the Canton or call the Ufficio degli anziani e delle cure a domicilio (+41 91 814 54 71). The request must be accompanied by a copy of the Prestazione complementare (PC), even if it is refused, and a copy of the decision Assegno per Grandi Invalidi (AGI).

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The original version is the page in Italian.