Director: Ana de las Heras

Tasks and Activities

The Divisione risorse umane (Human Resources Division) manages the administrative and financial aspects of the employment relationship with employees and develops management programs. Specifically, it is responsible for:

  • administering the remuneration system, ensuring fairness among employees
  • coordinating recruitments through the management of public tenders
  • defining procedures for evaluating employee performance and coordinating evaluations
  • formulating and maintaining an efficient personnel policy
  • formulating, proposing to the Municipality, and implementing medium- to long-term programs in the areas of staff training and organizational planning
  • handling administrative and financial practices related to personnel management and monitoring the correct application of the Regolamento organico delle collaboratrici e dei collaboratori della Città di Lugano (ROCCL) and the current provisions
  • monitoring the development and application of labor legislation concerning remuneration, contributions, taxes, union matters, insurance, and pensions.

The Divisione risorse umane addresses all personnel-related issues and provides technical support to line managers in the proactive and dynamic management of human resources from both an operational and strategic perspective.

Furthermore, the Division oversees the continuous training of employees and constantly enhances the human capital present in the City.

The Divisione risorse umane is organized into the following areas:

  • gestione (management)
  • formazione e sviluppo (training and development)
  • amministrazione (stipendi e presenze/assenze) (administration – salaries and attendance/absences)
  • politiche retributive e organizzazione (compensation policies and organization)
  • progetti e servizi digitali (digital projects and services)
  • sicurezza e salute (safety and health)

The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.

The original version is the page in Italian.