The Division manages services operating in the social field.
Director: Sabrina Antorini Massa
The Divisione Socialità (Division of Social Affairs) addresses the socio-educational needs of young people and the social needs of the general population by promoting support, intervention, and assistance in the social field. It also provides a network of services and facilities aimed at meeting citizens' needs by offering advice and support in the social domain.
Tasks and activities
- prevention and health promotion (awareness campaigns and presence in the territory and at city events)
- support for families (information for new parents) and work-life balance through an offer of extracurricular services for preschool and primary school children and the ViviLugano Summer Camp
- integration (solidarity day "Il Mondo al Parco", participatory project in the districts of Pregassona and Molino Nuovo)
- social information (guides for citizens)
- promotion of volunteering
- guidance and employment through the LuganoNetwork platform
- youth activities (youth centers in Viganello and Breganzona) and proximity services aimed at young people
The most significant sector - financially and in terms of human resources - is the Servizi extrascolastici (extracurricular services), an area with a clear focus on work-life balance. Specifically, the Servizi extrascolastici include lunch and after-school programs for primary schools, extended hours for preschools, winter ski courses for primary schools, summer camps for primary schools, including the ViviLugano summer camp.
The Prevenzione e integrazione (Prevention and Integration) sector develops projects and initiatives previously under the responsibility of the Dicastero Integrazione e informazione sociale (Department of Integration and Social Information). Regarding prevention, the projects are mainly focused on early childhood support (family information, parenting guides, children's city project, activities for children's rights, etc.), addiction support (collaboration with local services and a mandate entrusted to Ingrado), and dental prevention in municipal schools. Particularly significant are the activities of social information through awareness campaigns, meetings (budget management, International Volunteer Day, etc.), and publications. Additionally, the theme of integration and social cohesion is highlighted through well-established initiatives such as the Festa dei Vicini and the solidarity event "Il Mondo al Parco," which explores the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Information for newcomers is also provided with the "pacchetto di benvenuto" (welcome package) to ensure a good understanding of the area from their arrival. This sector also coordinates the "Progetto quartieri" (District Project), which has been consolidated over the years, thanks to the collaboration of district commissions and enriched with family- and child-friendly initiatives, with special attention given to the Via Industria area in the Pregassona district.
The Politiche giovanili (Youth Policy) sector was established in 2019 to encourage greater collaboration and coordination among activities aimed at adolescents and young people (ages 12-18/25 years), aligning more closely with cantonal guidelines. Since the end of 2019, in addition to the activities of the two youth centers and the presence of youth outreach workers, the city has enriched its leisure offerings with the Midnight Sport project at the Pregassona middle schools. The challenge for this sector, particularly for the outreach workers, will be to strengthen collaborations to enable timely intervention in cases of distress, aiming for early intervention.
Adding to the social promotion activities is the valuable work of LuganoNetWork. Created in 2008 as part of the unemployed action credit activated by the City, this service has proven to be an increasingly effective support for educational and professional orientation, as well as for finding jobs, internships, and apprenticeships, fully in line with the Municipality's strategic objectives. The 10-year anniversary celebrations highlighted the strength of the network that collaborators have built over the years with numerous local businesses.
The newly affiliated sector of the Servizi di sostegno (Support Services) consists of three entities: SAS, UIS, and AVS.
The SAS-Servizio accompagnamento sociale is composed of social workers, curators, and administrative staff. The work carried out by the social workers is highly diverse but is fundamentally based on the active participation of the user in their project. Staff members can provide support through social care or advice to individuals facing personal, social, relational, or administrative challenges. The service's curators take on mandates from Autorità regionali di protezione (Regional Protection Authorities) when these authorities institute protection measures for individuals in difficulty. Curators handle cases involving personal and administrative issues (asset management), aiming to establish a trust relationship with the individual and, in the medium term, integrate them into society by activating professional and social contacts to regain a degree of autonomy.
The UIS-Ufficio intervento sociale (Social Intervention Office) fulfills the duties of the Sportello LAPS-Legge armonizzazione prestazioni sociali (Social Benefits Harmonization Law Desk), acting as a liaison with Cantonal Offices to activate various social benefits, including welfare benefits (PA), extraordinary allowances for unemployed former self-employed individuals (ISD), supplementary family allowances (AFI), and early childhood allowances (API). The mandate of the Sportello LAPS is governed by a contract with the Canton. The office also evaluates requests for financial assistance as stipulated in the Regolamento sociale (Social Regulation). These temporary aids address specific needs such as housing expenses, rental guarantees, healthcare and dental costs, school-related fees, participation in camps, funeral expenses, and extraordinary events. The Ufficio intervento sociale also investigates the socio-economic conditions of citizens in arrears with health insurance payments, following specific mandates from the Istituto cantonale delle assicurazioni sociali (Cantonal Institute of Social Insurance) in Bellinzona. Furthermore, this office coordinates a project launched in 2019 to manage public utility programs (AUP) for welfare beneficiaries, aligning with the City Council's strategic objectives to support employment. The project aims to increase the number of programs within the administration while ensuring targeted guidance and networking with LuganoNetWork, thereby facilitating entry into the workforce.
Finally, the Agenzia comunale AVS provides assistance and advice for procedures related to Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI), Disability Insurance, supplementary benefits, and other contributions such as the large disability allowance. It also verifies and forwards requests to the Cassa cantonale di compensazione (Cantonal Compensation Fund). The service's activities regarding these benefits are regulated by the Decreto legislativo cantonale di applicazione della legge federale (Cantonal Legislative Decree implementing the Federal Law) of December 20, 1946, on Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI). Consultants welcome users, provide information on various benefits, and carry out all necessary procedures for submitting pension applications, their revisions, and the registration of individuals and entities as required.
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