The service relies on the collaboration of three youth outreach workers, called Operatori di Prossimità (Proximity Workers), who work from a prevention and early intervention perspective according to the "out-of-office, out-of-hours" philosophy.

Aimed at young people between the ages of 12 and 30, the Servizio di prossimità works to:

  • support young people to become aware of their potential and limitations
  • promote, maintain and/or strengthen social ties
  • avoid forms of exclusion by promoting integration
  • prevent and reduce risk behaviors, conflicts and social discomforts
  • enhance and support activities and projects in favor of young people
  • build and consolidate the social network
  • offer, if necessary, structured accompaniment

With a direct presence on the city's territory and thanks to constant and daily contact, proximity workers observe the dynamics and behavior of young people in order to identify their needs and intervene in time with concrete support. Doing so mitigates the phenomena of discomfort that risk reinforcing tensions with the adult world, generating malaise and fragility at the social level.

TheVAN - The mobile meeting space

TheVAN van, used by outreach workers, is a real mobile meeting point on the ground, designed as a space for dialogue, discussion, exchange, support and, above all, listening. It offers a special and welcoming environment - the assonance with "divano" (couch) is not accidental - that results in a good combination of informal and institutional support.

More information is available on the Prossimità website or on the Instagram profile of the Servizio di prossimità.

The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.

The original version is the page in Italian.