UIS-Ufficio intervento sociale
The Ufficio intervento sociale (Social Intervention Office, UIS) is responsible for:
- assessing individual situations, signaling and putting citizens with individual needs in contact with other services, as well as orienting the citizen on the various private social benefits
- carrying out various tasks; in fact, the UIS acts as a Sportello LAPS (Desk LAPS - Law on Harmonization of Social Benefits) by liaising with cantonal offices for the activation of various social benefits
- assessing requests for timely financial support, as required by the Regolamento sulle prestazioni comunali in ambito sociale (Regulations on Municipal Social Benefits)
- upon specific referral from the Istituto cantonale delle assicurazioni sociali (Cantonal Social Insurance Institute) in Bellinzona, verify the socioeconomic situation of citizens who are in arrears with their health insurance payments
- coordinate public utility programs (AUP) for individuals receiving assistance
Municipal social benefits are designed to punctually support people in special economic hardship of a temporary nature. To qualify for benefits, certain requirements must be met.
The Canton of Ticino, in application of the Swiss Federal Law on Compulsory Health Care (LAMal), has assigned municipalities the mandate to assess the socio-economic situation of individuals reported as being unable or unwilling to pay healthcare costs. The goal is to determine whether there are genuine financial difficulties.
The project was launched in 2019 with the goal of coordinating public utility programs (AUP) for individuals receiving assistance, in line with the strategic objectives of the City of Lugano in the area of employment support.
The project aims to increase the number of social integration programs within the Lugano Administration, but above all to ensure targeted support and networking with LuganoNetWork to facilitate entry into the workforce and consequently exit from assistance.
Opening days and hours
- Mon-Fri 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM and 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.
The original version is the page in Italian.