To book a taxi, call the number +41 91 922 88 33
In Lugano, around 200 taxis are in service. Only 50 of them have the municipal authorization to park and wait for customers in the taxi areas of the City of Lugano.

Rates for authorized taxis:
- Initial fare: CHF 6.00
- Minimum fare: CHF 18.00
- Round trip: CHF 2.60 / km
- One-way trip: CHF 4.60 / km
- One-way trip on holidays and at night
(from 22:00 to 6:00): CHF 5.20 / km - Round trip at night
(from 22:00 to 6:00): CHF 3.00 / km
- Waiting time: CHF 65.00 per hour
- Luggage (5 units at most): CHF 1.50 / unit - maximum CHF 7.50
Additional charge for credit card payments: 2,5%
Authorized taxis can be identified by the sign displayed inside the vehicle.