Energy Conservation
In the field of energy conservation, everyone can play an important role without necessarily having to give up their standard of living. Through small changes to one's daily habits, one can reduce energy consumption, a real resource. Various techniques and expedients also make it possible to take action in the area of construction, both for new and existing buildings.
Small daily gestures
Turning off the faucet while brushing one's teeth, remembering to turn off the light when not needed, using low-consumption light bulbs: these are small gestures that allow one to achieve good results without sacrificing one's daily well-being.
Even preferring public transportation and sustainable mobility (cars with hybrid or electric, zero-emission engines) denotes care for one's environment. Moreover, in the building sector, seeking self-production of energy (solar, solar-thermal, geothermal, etc.) and avoiding its dispersion through insulation coats, walls and roofs constitute behaviors that reduce energy consumption and lead to tangible environmental results.
Useful tips
From the home to the workplace to the construction world, it is certainly possible to pay attention to energy consumption and take action to save energy.
A few tips:
AIL-Aziende Industriali Lugano (AIL) provides a series of tips for making the best use of the energy available to us, avoiding waste through the rational use of water, electricity, and gas.
The Cantonal Office of Air, Climate and Renewable Energy deals with three separate but at the same time closely related issues: energy conservation with the promotion of renewable energy, air pollution and global warming.
In the Federal Constitution, the article on energy states that "within the scope of their powers, the federal government and the cantons shall strive for a sufficient, diversified, secure, economical and ecological supply of energy, as well as thrifty and rational energy consumption."
Switzerland Energy promotes the rational use of energy, the use of renewable energy, and supports the federal government's energy and climate goals with concrete measures.
The TicinoEnergia Association aims to support cantonal energy policy with concrete measures. Its purpose is to provide information and guidance to private individuals and public bodies in the areas of savings, energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable mobility and available financial incentives.
Section of the Canton of Ticino website dedicated to an energy-saving awareness campaign with the aim of reinforcing the call to avoid waste and reduce consumption.
The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.
The original version is the page in Italian.