Redevelopment of the Lakeside and City Center
The City Council has completed a procedure of Parallel Study Mandates (MSP) to develop the Masterplan for the redevelopment of Lugano's vibrant heart. Objective: to revitalize public spaces tailored to citizens and lay the foundation for the adjustment of the Zoning Plan.

In December 2019, the City Council of Lugano requested a credit of CHF 498,000 for a Parallel Study Mandates (MSP) procedure aimed at drafting the Masterplan for the lakeside and Lugano city center area.
A similar MSP procedure was carried out as part of the PDcom project, which aims to provide the City with a comprehensive vision for the development of its entire territory.
The goal of the Masterplan is to revitalize public spaces tailored to citizens and lay the foundation for the adjustment of the Zoning Plan.
After the approval of the credit by the City Parliament in June 2020, the City Council selected four competing groups for the lakeside and Lugano city center area. These groups presented their proposals to an Experts’ Panel, which issued its recommendations in September 2021.
The competition results were exhibited at Rivetta Tell in the fall of 2021. The content of the entire selection process was compiled in a dedicated publication.
The Planning Area
The areas of the lakeside and the city center have been the subject of various designs and studies over the years, with the goal of enhancing their potential, functionality, appeal, and offerings. In 2016, a motion approved by the City Parliament reignited interest in the topic, calling for the launch of a study for a revision of the Zoning Plan (PR) for the area. The indicative study perimeter extends along the lakeshore from the border with the Municipality of Paradiso to the gates of Villa Favorita, encompassing the squares of the historical core and the area up to Via Balestra.
The Competing Groups and the Evaluation of the Experts' Panel
The groups selected to present their vision for this area were: Ceresio, led by Officina del Paesaggio; Vel di seta, led by Michele Arnaboldi Architetti; Team BMV, led by Paolo L. Bürgi - Studio Bürgi; LONGLAKE, led by Inches Geleta Architetti and Dematté Elena Fontana Architekten.
The LONGLAKE project by Inches Geleta Architetti + Dematté Fontana Architekten was identified as the one that best meets the City's expectations, according to the Experts' Panel, which nevertheless provided a series of recommendations incorporating ideas and proposals from the other three groups.
Based on these recommendations, the City is developing the Masterplan, which will serve as the main reference framework for the area's development. The City Council has also decided to immediately initiate some studies deemed to be priorities and urgent.
Main Outcomes
The experts highlighted the need to introduce measures to reduce vehicular traffic. In this regard, the LONGLAKE group proposed adopting a package of measures, including the establishment of a 30 km/h zone and the creation of two 20 km/h shared zones along the lakeside (from the LAC to Piazza Indipendenza).
The MSP results confirm the need to complete the pedestrianization of the city center, extending it to Via Magatti and Via della Posta. Some public transport routes will need to be redirected, and loading/unloading areas redefined. This approach facilitates the overall redesign of Piazza Riforma, Piazza Rezzonico, and Piazza Manzoni and improves the connection between slow mobility and the intermodal hub at Piazzale ex-Scuole, enabling the possibility of hosting additional activities along the streets, such as markets.
Regarding bike lanes, the Experts' Panel found the proposal to create a bidirectional segregated bike path from Paradiso to Giardini Belvedere particularly interesting. By 2025, the city will also evaluate the implementation of temporary measures to ensure the safety of slow traffic. For the central section, the experts propose adopting a 6-meter-wide road where motorized and cycling traffic can coexist at speeds of 20–30 km/h.
The MSP also emphasized the need to maintain the city’s three ports, suggesting they be differentiated by function: the Porto della Foce should focus on classic port services (slipway, crane, fuel station, etc.) and sailing boats, while the Belvedere and Lanchetta ports should concentrate on motor and rowboat docking. Reorganizing and expanding these ports will allow for the removal of some mooring spaces along the shores, increasing public accessibility.
Another key topic is the reorganization of Piazzale ex-Scuole. According to the Experts' Panel, this area should accommodate multiple functions and provide spaces for social uses, adapting to the evolving needs of the intermodal public transport hub, without above-ground construction (at most a structure similar to the existing one). The experts also recommend creating an underground facility with parking for bicycles and motorcycles.
Regarding urban logistics, the Experts' Panel suggests further developing the proposal by the LONGLAKE group: establishing a support activity for retail distribution to be implemented in the underground levels of the Autosilo Balestra, where a "mini hub" could be housed.
Priority Measures
The Experts' Panel also suggested to the City Council some priority measures that do not require waiting for the Masterplan to be finalized.
Among these is the launch of the architectural competition for Piazzale ex-Scuole, with the goal of completing the definitive project design by 2025 (considering, in particular, the arrival of the tram-train and the need for an underground parking facility for two-wheeled vehicles).
Another urgent measure is the definition of bike paths in the section between Paradiso and Campo Marzio, given that the deadline for utilizing the federal credit provided is 2025.
The reorganization of mooring spaces, as well as the planning and expansion of ports and docks to increase lakeshore accessibility, can also begin immediately.
Finally, the Experts' Panel recommended that the City Council continue the design of the area surrounding the three central squares around Palazzo Civico, resuming and completing the preliminary project by Buletti Fumagalli Del Fedele Bernardi Architetti, conceived in the early 2000s.
Objectives to Be Achieved
The Masterplan must propose solutions for organizing public spaces in terms of their usability, event and exhibition activities, as well as promoting residence, commerce, and tourism in the city center. Solutions are also expected for mobility and logistics issues, along with responses to the need for lakeshore accessibility and landscape enhancement.
Based on the study, it will be possible to adjust the Zoning Plan (PR) and define the related funding requests to the City Parliament. The Masterplan must present a renewed image of the lakeside, considering its history, landscape and cultural heritage, as well as the expectations of the population, tourism, and the economy. This scope includes topics such as greenery, public lighting, urban furniture, cultural heritage, lakeside fountains, and more.
Solutions are expected to align with the City's 2018–2028 Development Guidelines, particularly regarding the objectives of revitalizing and pedestrianizing the city center, moderating traffic along the lakeside, increasing public transport and slow mobility (pedestrian and cycling), and expanding accessible green and recreational spaces available year-round.
Last updated: 14 June 2023
The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.
The original version is the page in Italian.