Lugano, la Città ti è vicina. Insieme sarà più facile
(Lugano, the City is close to you. Together, it will be easier) Awareness campaign by the City of Lugano to support citizens during the coronavirus pandemic.
The spread of the coronavirus in 2020 required the population to minimize contacts and movements. The home became the place to spend time, work, maintain distant relationships - whether by phone, social media, video call platforms, or rediscovering the joy of writing a card or a letter.
The City of Lugano launched an awareness campaign related to the coronavirus pandemic to demonstrate its closeness to the population and to emphasize that together, by adopting a shared sense of solidarity, we can make a significant contribution to fighting the disease.
Under the names "Lugano, la Città ti è vicina" (Lugano, the City is close to you) and "Insieme sarà più facile" (Together it will be easier), the campaign used posters and media spaces to address the various phases experienced by the population during such a challenging time. It aimed to maintain connection, share what was happening within each of us and around us, provide guidelines to contain the spread of the virus, and offer a series of measures to support the population across different areas and sectors. The graphic design was consistently recognizable to reflect the evolution of Lugano's communication during the emergency: black text on a yellow background or white text on a purple background, using two vibrant colors - yellow and purple - to draw attention.

Right from the start, with the exhortation "Tornerà la quiete dopo la tempesta, nel frattempo proteggiti" (Calm will return after the storm, in the meantime protect yourself), the City of Lugano activated the free hotline 0800 6900 00 for the elderly and anyone in need of support, including single-parent families, who cannot rely on a family or neighborhood network to do grocery shopping, go to the pharmacy, take out the trash, or simply wish to talk to someone and share thoughts, needs, and concerns. An exhortation against loneliness, confusion, and hardship, offering concrete help to those in difficulty.

The theme of the home becoming a refuge, as it is necessary to limit contacts and movements as much as possible, gives rise to a new phase of the campaign. Lugano demonstrates its closeness to the population by communicating a series of measures designed to assist, alleviate, simplify, and provide concrete support to residents, emphasizing the sense of community that unites citizens and the City. Among the measures, in addition to the municipal free hotline, are the provision of essential municipal services (despite service counters being temporarily closed to the public), childcare services, economic support for citizens and businesses, as well as measures related to mobility and waste management. Taking care of citizens with new measures to their advantage also means continuing to imagine new projects and looking to the future.

"Siamo onde dello stesso mare, foglie dello stesso albero, fiori dello stesso giardino" (We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden) introduces a poetic touch, borrowing words inspired by Seneca, in the campaign that unfolds during the coronavirus period. With poetry, the City of Lugano now wants to express thanks: a heartfelt and collective thank you to the citizens for the complex days they are experiencing, for the constructive collaboration between the population and the authorities, and also to all those who are generously continuing to do valuable work, such as healthcare workers and those who have decided to dedicate themselves to volunteering. In this case, the emphasis is on the solidarity that emerged like a wave and spread among the people: gestures that will remain a precious part of everyone's memory.
Subsequently, due to the pandemic, the City of Lugano closed public parks, the most frequented trails, and recreational areas. With the slogan "Per fare gite, ci saranno tempi migliori. Proteggi te stesso e gli altri: resta a casa" (For excursions, better times will come. Protect yourself and others: stay at home) Lugano appeals once again to the sense of community and collaboration from everyone. During a period marked by the spread of the virus, responsibility is collective, both inside and outside family units. The home remains the safe place to stay as much as possible, to express, even while confined, a sense of protection, care, and sensitivity towards others.
The next phase involved reopening public parks, recreational areas, and playgrounds; however, sports fields were not reopened, as contact sports remain prohibited. Caution must still be exercised, and the essential measures for the protection of oneself and others, such as maintaining distance and washing hands thoroughly and often, remain in place. A turtle appears on the poster to convey a simple and positive message: "chi va piano, va sano e va lontano" (slow and steady wins the race). This time, the appeal to individual responsibility draws inspiration from Aesop's fable "The Tortoise and the Hare": a present intertwined with the past and the future, which can be read by both children and adults.

The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.
The original version is the page in Italian.