Pian Scairolo
Pian Scairolo represents an area with great potential for the economic development of the Lugano Urban Agglomeration.

The Pian Scairolo area covers well over one million square meters and involves the municipalities of Collina d’Oro, Grancia, and Lugano. Over the past decades, it has undergone significant development with artisanal, commercial, industrial, and tertiary settlements.
Pian Scairolo represents an area with great potential for the economic development of the Lugano Urban Agglomeration. The municipalities involved and the Cantonal Authority are committed to undertaking a comprehensive redevelopment of this area.
The general urban planning approach adopted by the Intermunicipal Planning Commission for Pian Scairolo (Commissione intercomunale per la pianificazione del Pian Scairolo, CIPPS) is based on a dual intervention perspective, which serves as the foundation for coordinated territorial development: on one hand, the redevelopment of residential areas, and on the other, identifying the most suitable territorial and urban planning methods for a commercial zone that does not compromise the more sensitive residential functions, which are currently significantly disadvantaged.
Elements of the Urban Planning Concept
The area’s easy integration with the public transport network, proximity to the highway, and the existence of a large Park & Ride parking facility clearly highlight a public-use vocation for these lands at the northern end of Pian Scairolo, near the Lugano Sud highway exit. The project thus proposes the creation of an "event district" that distinctly establishes itself as the gateway to the City of Lugano and as a defining element of the future Pian Scairolo.
To enhance the "event district," specific architectural and urban elements are employed, essential to defining the southern gateway to the City. Starting from these premises, the new canal and the large urban park take shape. Key features include the artificial water body, the square, the canopy, the tower, and the multipurpose pavilions.
The drafting of the Intercommunal Zoning Plan (Piano regolatore intercomunale) for Pian Scairolo was concluded with its approval by the Council of State on 9 September 2020. The intercommunal planning is now in force.
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