Verde pubblico
The Servizio Verde pubblico (Public Green Service) of the Divisione Spazi urbani (Urban Spaces Division) is divided into four sectors.
Manutenzione parchi e giardini
It is responsible for managing green spaces in urban areas, repairing installations and infrastructure in outdoor spaces of public buildings, maintaining squares and avenues that do not fall under the Sezione strade (Roads Section), and wildlife management.
It consists of 8 teams:
- Parco Ciani
- Centro
- Loreto
- Castagnola
- Besso
- Molino Nuovo
- Viganello
- Pregassona
Produzione piante e fiori
It manages the municipal greenhouses where plants and flowers are produced, oversees the vineyard, vegetable gardens, and olive groves, and prepares floral decorations for the City Council, cemeteries, and commemorations. The squadra Floricoltori (Floriculture Team) operates within this sector.
Gestione alberatura, boschi, aree di svago
It manages roadside trees, maintains road edges and slopes, and oversees forests and recreational areas. The squadra Boschi (Forestry Team) and the squadra Arboricoltori (Arboriculture Team) operate within this sector.
Gestione parchi gioco e preavvisi edilizia privata
It is responsible for the management, design, and construction of playgrounds and neighborhood fields. Additionally, it evaluates private construction projects involving green areas. It relies on the work of the squadra Parchi gioco (Playground Team).
The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.
The original version is the page in Italian.