The ACF (Association of Chartered Accountants and Auditors with a Federal diploma) was founded in 1967 in Lugano by the first holders of the diploma by the same name. It represents a regional emanation of the national association, which celebrated its 60th birthday in 1996.
In time, the association developed at several different levels, something that was accompanied by the constant increase in the number of members.
The ACF pursues the following objectives:

  • to promote professional upgrading and to foster collective association among members;
  • to disseminate and enhance the profession;
  • to defend the professional, moral, economic and social interests of members in the exercise of their activities by means of specific actions.

ACF’s collaboration, in the training of new holders of the federal professional certificate, together with the Lugano’s CPC and later with Chiasso’s CPC led to the creation of the ACF School in June 2002.


6963 Lugano-Cureggia
t. +41 91 966 03 35
[email protected]