The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Trade of the Canton of Ticino (Ccia-Ti), which has been active since 1917 is an association of private law that supports the economic activities of the region giving voice to its ideas and values and promoting development by offering real services.

The Ccia-Ti has about 800 single members belonging to the different sectors of the Ticinese economy and also 46 collective members, that is, members of professional organizations.

The Ccia-Ti is constantly active to guarantee general framework conditions to the Country so as to maintain the labour market competitive and to allow companies to prosper and defend their hard won professional and social well-being.
It also safeguards the general and sectorial interests of the Canton’s private economy, interpreting its aspirations and ideas as to economic and social issues vis à vis Cantonal and Federal authorities.

In particular the CCia-Ti:

  • acts as an intermediary between authorities and citizens
  • supports economic growth
  • safeguards labour law
  • takes care of public relations.

Camera di commercio, dell'industria, dell'artiginanato e dei servizi del Cantone Ticino
Corso Elvezia 16
6901 Lugano
t. +41 91 911 51 11
[email protected]