Location: Lugano-Viganello, Via Sara Frontini

Competition: 2018

Architecture Studio: Epure, Architecture et Urbanisme (lead) with Enrico Garbin

The competition for the design of the New school center in the La Santa area of Viganello attracted interest from 92 architecture studios from Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, and Spain. The open competition was conducted in two phases: in the first phase, competitors developed an urban-architectural concept. Sixty-one first-phase projects were submitted by the deadline. The jury evaluated the proposals and shortlisted 10 projects.

The participants admitted to the second phase refined their concepts, creating an interdisciplinary project in collaboration with specialists. The jury unanimously awarded first prize to the project named ARIA by the Swiss architecture studio Epure, Architecture et Urbanisme (lead) with Enrico Garbin, based in Moudon, in collaboration with the interdisciplinary group of specialists from Lugano-based firms Passera & Associati SA (civil engineering), Tecnoprogetti SA (for systems engineering, fire safety, and building physics), and Officina del Paesaggio (landscape architecture).

The winning project was praised for its clear and balanced urban planning solution, featuring a single building with well-organized spaces along Via Sara Frontini. The large public space is intelligently structured to create differentiated areas for students while also ensuring accessibility for the local community outside school hours.

In July 2021, the Lugano Municipal Government requested a credit of CHF 27.85 million from the City Parliament to execute the project. The new building will be constructed to MINERGIE® A-ECO standards. The credit was approved at the end of March 2023, and the building permit was granted in late July 2023. The project's development is currently under review by the Executive.

The English version of this page was created with the aid of automatic translation tools and may contain errors and omissions.

The original version is the page in Italian.


Città di Lugano
Edilizia pubblica

Via della Posta 8
6900 Lugano
t. +41 58 866 76 99
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